Passive voice merupakan suatu bentuk grammar yang menunjukkan subjek
tidak melakukan kegiatan melainkan menerima suatu kegiatan. Kegiatan tersebut
dilakukan oleh agent lain yang disebutkan maupun tidak.
Berikut ini Passive Voice Beserta Rumus dan Contoh kalimat pada beberapa
tense bahasa inggris. Untuk mempelajari passive voice bisa datang langsung atau
menghubungi NTC Tulungagung di Desa Bolorejo Kauman Tulungagung (085856362225).
Passive Voice Beserta Rumus dan Contoh :
Active: S + verb-1 + O
Example : The
Elephants eat grass in the field
Example : A new bycicle is
bought by me.
Example : The
president is wearing a blue jacket today
Passive: S (direct
object) + is/am/are + being + past participle (Verb-3) +/- by … (agent)
Example : The windows
10 are being installed
Active: S + have/has +
present participle + direct object
Example : I have written a poetry in my classroom
Passive: S (direct
object) + have/has + been + past participle (Verb-3) +/- by … (agent)
Example : They have been helped by
Active: S + verb-2 +
direct object
Example : George read a books yesterday
Passive: S (direct
object) + was/were + past participle (Verb-3) +/- by … (agent)
Example : It was gone by them
Active: S +
was/were + present participle + direct object
Example : She was waiting in front of the pet shop
Passive: S (direct
object) +was/were + being + past participle (Verb-3) +/- by … (agent)
Example : The bag was being brought by Tina
Active: S + had + past
participle (Verb-3) + direct object
Example : Intan had caught her cat in the garden
Passive: S (direct
object) + had + been + past participle (Verb-3) +/- by … (agent)
Example : we had been left from Magelang at 07.00 p.m
Active: S + will
+ Verb-1 + direct object
S + am/is/are going to + Verb-1+ direct object
Example : I am going to Jakarta next two weeks
Passive: S (direct
object) + will + be + past participle (Verb-3) +/- by … (agent)
S (direct object) + am/is/are going to + be + past participle (Verb-3)
+/- by … (agent)
Example : The bus will be arrived here at 10.00 a.m
Active: S + will +
have + past participle (Verb-3) + direct object
Example : My friends will have forgiven you
Passive: S (direct
object) + will + have + been + past participle (Verb-3) +/- by … (agent)
Example : The plan will have been taken off from
Soekarno Hatta airport
Demikian penjelasan secara singkat dari Passive Voice Beserta Rumus dan Contoh. Passive voice biasanya digunakan dalam
penulisan karya ilmiah, laporan, dan artikel koran dan jarang digunakan di
dalam percakapan sehari-hari. Karena passive voice dianggap lebih formal dalam
suatu penulisan. Untuk mempelajari passive voice tentunya membutuhkan tutor
bahasa inggris yang profesional, kami dari NTC Tulungagung mampu memberikan
pelatihan dan pengajaran yang profesional.
NTC Tulungagung merupakan lembaga kursus bahasa Inggris yang terpercaya. Jadi kamu tidak perlu takut untuk mendaftarkan diri kamu di NTC Tulungagung dalam belajar bahasa Inggris. Disini kamu akan mudah, cepat dan senang berbahasa Inggris.
Kamu bisa menghubungi CP kami di 085856362225 atau IG ntc_kampunginggris_tulungagung
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