Haii ladies and gentlemen berikut adalah contoh teks pidato berbahasa inggris singkat, mudah, dan bisa kamu gunakan untuk belajar sesuai kebutuhan kalian.
Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Honorable Mr/Mrs..................................................
Excellency Mr/Mrs.................................................
Ladies and gentlemen, dear brothers and sisters
There is no the most beautiful word to say in this bright morning except to thanks and pray unto Allah SWT, because of his mercies and blessing everything can be performed without any troubles and obstacles.
And we never forget to convey Sholawat and Salam to our greatest prophet Muhammad SAW, who has changed the bad culture to be better in order to be able to enjoy god's paradise.
I say thank you very much to the master/mistress of ceremony who has given me timeto speech in front of audience.Ladies and gentlemen, in this good chance I would like to give my speech under the title The Lost Morality In Globalization Era.
Globalization era is challenge for everyone to always ready compete in competitive life. Because in this era, many people try to get much money and social status confession. As like the wise word says "first come first serve". We sometimes don't know which one is really our friend and which one is our enemy. Friends can be enemy and enemy can be friends. They ruin each other.
Nowadays, the changing of lifestyle begins far from religious guidance. Religious law as basic of life regulation is increasingly lost of men's life. Shaking hand and kissing between man and woman become habits. The women like new trend by wearing cloth showing their genitals, pornography, pornoaction, free sex, and many others.
Spectacle often becomes guidance and guidance often becomes spectacle. We can see it from social intercourse. Television, Youtube, TikTok, and other social medias are source of lifestyle change. Because they show various programs which are viewed by many people in the world. The actor an the actress are often considered as a figured by societies in changing lifestyle by wearing and doing something which is sometimes strange with aour culture.
Ladies and gentlement, the epoch is increasingly old, competitive life is more crowded and promiscuity is more crazy. Person morality begins depraved because of developing era and demand of daily need. But I'm sure that we can pass it well, because we have religion that gives guidance for our life in order to be better. We know that no religion teaches and instructs to the wrong way. So that way, let's make this short life to be better by doing something useful for ourselves and other people. Let's adorn ourselves by faith and devout. In order we are able to get high prestige in the world and here after.
Ladies and gentlemen, That's all my speech my our god always bless us now and forever. Thank you very much for you nice attention and the last I say Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.
Di atas adalah salah satu judul pidato bahasa inggris singkat dan mudah.
Mau belajar bahasa inggris lebih banyak dengan cara yang lebih fun??
Yukk gabung bersama NTC Kampung Inggris, banyak pilihan programnya dan bisa disesuaikan dengan kebutuhanmu! Selain program di atas langsung KLIK DISINI! untuk program lain beserta biaya. Let's having fun with english guyss....
Semoga bermanfaat :)
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